The 20 Golden Rules of UI/UX Design

It helps to drive users to their desired services and businesses to achieve their goals.
20 Golden Rules UI/UX

What are the 20 golden rules of UI/UX design? It is very important to understand the golden rules/ importance of UI/UX design and hence in this way you can make a lasting impression on your users.

Nowadays users are more focused on how websites/apps look. This means you need to focus on how your app is looking and what improvements it needs. Further to begin with the golden rules you need to understand what is UI/UX?

What is user experience design (UX)?

UX deals with the user experience of how a person interacts with the product. The term was introduced by Don Norman and encompasses all the aspects of end-user interaction with the company, its services and the desired products.

UX encompasses all the necessary aspects of the end user’s interaction with the company (its services and products).

UX design starts with conducting user research, as a UI/UX designer it is necessary to focus on user requirements, what they need and begin with designing. Hence after understanding the user needs I begin with designing and setting the user personas. However, personas help users to see goals, desires and limitations. All of this understanding helps me to design a product that can easily work best for users across.

In addition to this user experience comes with many benefits. Let me help you to explore all of those.

a. User experience helps in SEO

When you have developed a good UX then it has a wide impact on SEO. It is because Google always supports a good user experience in search engines.

However, the main motive is to offer users the best answer to their query. Hence user experience is one of the essential factors in the Google search algorithm.
If you have developed a poor user experience then you will not be able to fall on top of SERPs (search engine result pages).

b. Helps to increase brand loyalty

A good user experience can easily enhance brand loyalty. This means it helps in building trust in your brand and services while creating a long-lasting relationship. If you focus on great UX, it will not only attract customers but help you to retain your brand loyalty and attract more and more customers across.

c. Drive more conversion

It is said that a great design will always attract more customers. This is because, at present time, users hold on to the app that is appealing and can attract users in less time. Perhaps if your app is poor looking and does not attract users then it becomes difficult to drive conversion. Therefore at the time, you are going to develop an app, ensure to get its design in such a manner that it attracts more and more customers which in turn drives more conversion.

What is the user interface (UI)?

User interface (UI) refers to the process of improving the presentation and interaction of web and mobile applications. This means it focuses on how the app looks and interacts with users.

To understand in a better way, the app screen, page, button and other elements you are using are the user interface of the application.

User interface design is one such process that helps in increasing the traffic of your website/app and ensures to drive more conversion.

UI attracts customers and helps customers to stay on the app for a longer time. When users will stay more, they will explore your products/services and in turn out to be potential leads for you. Therefore always keep in mind without a user-friendly interface you will not be able to have a successful online presence.

At the time of developing a good user-interface, there are three main components to consider namely:

a. User control

Give your user full control, in this way your visitors will be able to explore their requirements easily. This means they will be able to know about your different services/products you are offering.

When users are able to accomplish their requirements then they are more likely to stay on your app or website and in turn drive more conversion.

b. Increase comfort level

Another way is to create a seamless user experience, this means allowing your visitors to navigate and interact with your website, services/product easily and smoothly. Try to remove the irrelevant information on your website or app. People at present want to gain appropriate information rather than unwanted information.

Ensure that whether it is your app or website it should be loaded with the right and accurate information. If you load it with unnecessary information then visitors will get confused and they will leave your website. So always try to upload the information that is relevant and help users to complete their desires in one go.

c. Help in reducing cognitive loads

As I stated earlier, try to remove extra information that does not relate to your business. Help users in such a way that they can easily reach their requirements in one shot.

Always try to include simple steps that can help users to reach you. This includes CTA’s which are a proven technique to attract users across the globe. Since when I talk about cognitive loads then try to remove the phase where it becomes hard to remember something, as sometimes it becomes difficult for users to remember everything. Hence here you can simplify the overall process by helping them.

UI/UX designers like me focus on creating products that are easy to understand and also use. Apps today are dynamic and interactive, but if their design is not good or does not look appealing then users will be able to stay for a longer time.

Therefore there is a need to focus on the UI/UX design of your app. Therefore to make things fall easier and with desired advantages, you can reach a top freelance ui/ux designer.

But let me make your work simpler in terms of reaching experts as well. It is mainly because I can easily give you the right command on the delivery of the best UI/UX services.

In addition to this let me help you to know what are the top 20 golden rules of UI/UX design. In turn, there will be many profits that you can achieve and in turn drive more sales and end up gaining profits.

1. It should be mobile responsive

It should be mobile responsive

It is a known fact that you cannot easily begin to gain success in your business if you do not own an app. It means for any business at present time, mobile apps are a must. It helps your business to reach new heights and also helps you to gain tremendous revenue.

But at the time of developing an app, you must focus on its design and make it responsive. It means your app should work smoothly.

On the other side, a great UI/UX makes your app more appealing but there is more besides you cannot begin with any design without considering the impact of mobile devices. At present every individual explores services with the help of an app. Smartphones are used to book reservations, make travel arrangements, and place grocery orders.

Therefore your design should be mobile responsive. So that it can be easily used by users without any difficulty.

2. Animation creates magic

Animation creates magic

Yes, there is no doubt that at present and in coming times, the animation will withstand its advancements. Hence in the case of designing it is becoming more dynamic. Therefore you must take care that both typography and images are used in such a way that it gives a lasting impression.

Animation creates a magical experience and it can easily attract users from any corner. Also, it allows users to understand your product/services more easily. Hence if you will notice then most of the companies are moving toward animation. This results in more engagement and helps people to draw more attention. Therefore you must try different animation

As it can easily help to increase brand engagement and drive more conversion.

3. Custom Illustrations

Custom Illustrations

Do you know the rapid use of custom illustrations has replaced the stock options? This means that with the use of custom illustration you can easily convey your story with advanced user experience. In turn, you can easily explain your desired product/services easier. In addition, let me tell you that custom illustration is spreading more and more and is known as one of the most desired marketing elements.

If you want to make your app/website stand out among all, reach me. I have worked within different industries and delivered the finest work. I hold firm knowledge on how to make your website/app appealing and help drive more conversion.

Custom illustration is playing a huge role in uplifting the business. They are not only involved in making a brand appealing but at the same time, they also create a unique brand identity. User’s at present easily get attracted to the brands that have appealing designs and in turn more engagement and conversion. Therefore enriching your business with custom illustrations is one of the best ideas to increase your brand presence.

4. Make use of vivid colors

Make use of vivid colors

Vivid colors can easily help to enhance your user experience and hence it is one of the most desired elements.

Colors that are lighter and intense help to promote an eye-catching experience. Brands with fresh colors look more appealing and attract users easily. In this way, it pumps up your business goals as well. We all at present time are engaging with smart devices and hence vivid color can make a lasting impression on users.

To understand it more clearly, people at present time use dark mode, it is mainly because they like rich colors. Therefore it is a good idea to explore vivid colors.
Sometimes to help yourself you can also explore the best ui/ux designer portfolio. Here you can reach me where I have diverse examples to help you.

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5. Customize icons

Customise icons

Customized icons help users to redirect them to their desired services. But rather than developing simple icons, they can be more creative and they can be built attractive.

Therefore it is easier to help users to get attracted more to your brand. Develop icons with fresh colours, and shape where users can easily give an eye to it and also reach services easily. Also when customize icons are found on your website then it can easily develop a trust on users that the company is specific and meaningful. Therefore try to include icons that can help users to reach desired services without any disturbance.

6. Go with a buoyant design

Go with a buoyant design

When I talk about optimistic design then it conveys or helps users with messages that are definite. Users are more interested to stay connected with brands that can deliver the desired message and also whose user experience is extraordinarily magical.

For example if you are delivering any content on your website and that is not easily understood then it creates confusion. This means users are not able to understand it easily then they will likely leave your website within seconds. Hence even if you are using any content with design then try to keep it simple and easily understood.

7. Remove error-prone conditions

Remove error-prone conditions

If your app/website contains any sort of error then it can give a direction to be out of the industry. Well, I am not making you afraid but I believe that you must give your app/website an error-free zone. Users do not like to visit a site that has errors and also those whose user interface is not proper.

You must try to make the design in such a way that users cannot take out any errors. If you follow this practice you will likely help your business. This means there will be more engagement, lead generation and conversion.

8. It should be easy to use

It should be easy to use

Being a freelance ui/ux designer I will say that when you are looking to get started with UI/UX designing your design should be easy to use.

Users at present do not want to make things complicated. Hence designing should be easy and that can help users to attract, feel good and reach desired sections easily. Try to develop your design in such a way that it is easily understood and does not create confusion for users. After all, you are creating information, designing for users and you have to think about how users will react and in turn, generate any piece of content.

Undertake Some Advanced Tips

Here I would like to give some tips as well that can easily help you to undertake more benefits and give your designing a new touch.

9. Keep an eye on scannability

Keep an eye on scannability

If you are thinking or dreaming to make your design a big hit then you must focus from the user’s point of view. After that, it is the audience who will use your product in future. I always explore eye-catching patterns that can match the latest trends and demands. Some of those are- pattern, Z pattern, layer cake pattern, spotted pattern, etc.

Keeping your website or app design simple and catchy is one of the biggest advantages. Users at present want to get appropriate information without wasting time. So at the time of development ensure that you undertake all steps by keeping users in mind.

10. Elemental Hierarchy Matters

Elemental Hierarchy Matters

Elements on your page need to be very clear that means both for users and utility. If you do not maintain or make use of elemental hierarchy then things can become complicated.

Go for the finest color contract and make use of whitespace. If you maintain clean lines, definite space, and well-defined elements then your design will be eye-catching.

All of these steps can help users to move through the UI without any documentation.

Looking to create intuitive interfaces?

11. Keep your design Minimalist

Keep your design Minimalist

Allow your users to explore valuable and desired information. This means you need to simplify the interface with the help of removing unnecessary content. It means the one that does not support users’ tasks.

You need to keep your design minimal but appealing. In this way, it becomes quite easier to attract and retain customers as well.

Generating revenue means you will be able to take your business ahead. Hence try to go with steps that are simple, easy to understand and also help users to easily understand business. Do not try to overload your website with unnecessary content, or images.

12. Enable voice user- interface

Enable voice user- interface

A voice-user interface has become one of the essentials to take care of every requirement at the time of UI/UX designing. VUI has simplified the way users were shopping or exploring different services. It means a voice command facility has helped users to reach their desired services in less time and with ease.

At present time we all are taking advantage of Alexa and Siri or even Google assistance. If we have to explore any services all we need is to give the command to any of these and begin with the search. I am sure that we all are witnessing the impact of the voice user interface and we are extremely satisfied with it.

13. Air gesture control

Air gesture control

We all know the touchscreen facility has been around for quite a long time. It has helped users across the globe to undertake benefits beyond imagination.

But in turn along with the touchscreen, air gesture control is also prevailing. In turn, it is one of the significant components in the roadmap of UI/UX designing.

So you must take care of touchscreen facility as it is the one of the essential elements and give your user an extraordinary experience.

14. Work on synchronisation

Work on synchronisation

The audience wants their data to be synchronized. This means that right from tablets to laptops users want to access their information easily or seamlessly.

At the time you are working or looking to get assistance with UI/UX then reach me. Users at present time do not want to miss any beat and want to work in a synchronized manner. Being a freelance best website  designer, I have assisted many industries across the globe and hence in this way I have gained advanced skills/expertise. Working on synchronization is one of the prime steps that I take advantage of.

15. Make use of motion design

Make use of motion design

Motion design is used to deliver a powerful impact on users where they can just sit back and watch the entire story. I have made a thorough analysis of where companies are rolling with this trend. This means they are creating a brand story in such a way that it connects users easily. Hence motions design are the major contributor and also helps in appealing design services.

The trend has taken speed from 2022 as companies are obtaining the benefit of motion design to present their brand story. There are more than 20 golden rules of UI/UX design, all you need is to choose ones that can help you to increase your brand presence or attract more users across.

16. Sometime abstracts can help

Sometime abstracts can help

One of the most essential parts of designing is abstract or brutalism design. Yes, they are contributing a huge place among designers. I believe that abstracts can add value to your designs.

Although brutalism designs are not new, if you were not in touch with it then you must study them. It is used in web designing and hence delivers an appealing structure to the entire designing process. When you consider textures, images, and collages, then it can give your design a different feel. Users will be attracted more as we all at some point want to undergo something different. So why not get started with using abstracts.

17. Reduce short term memory load

Reduce short term memory load

If you recognise something then your work can become simpler. It is said because often we all do not remember things easily. When I have to state this then yes with some it is the case. Often it becomes difficult to remember so many things altogether. Hence there is a need to solve this problem and to make work easier.

Therefore when you are working on designing then minimise the user’s memory. This can be done by making objects, actions, and options available. If you include these icons then users will have the choice to remember things quite easier and without undergoing any difficulties.
As the main motive is to simplify things rather than make difficulties.

Specialized in delivering smooth UI/UX designs

18. Design intentionally

Design intentionally

When I talk about UX then it should be performed in such a way that it is not dull rather than it should feel intuitive and familiar. Here you must insert some creative elements that can overall enhance your design and give it an appealing look.

You must keep in mind that you need to work with creativity that can last impressions on your users. If your design is not making any impression or it is dull then users will not attract. This in turn leads to potential loss in the engagement of customers and lead generation. Your design should be strong so that you can easily impact users on the first go.

19. Try to keep things simpler

Try to keep things simpler

At the time of designing streamlined UX, it is very essential to keep things simple. Complicated words or designs can make your work go down. Hence I will here suggest you keep things simpler and work to deliver products according to users’ requirements.

When I begin with any design I always try to keep it simple yet appealing. Design should be created in such a way that it should have a lasting impression on users. Hence rather than complicating things it is always a good idea, to begin with, simplicity. Users want to look for websites/apps that have a simple design and that can easily attract them. Therefore try to be simpler than complicated things.

20. Make use of real content

Make use of real content

At the time when designing begins every product contains content i.e text, images, or videos. But at the time of designing many designers put sample content. But I will suggest here that when you are designing any product you must walk with real content. In this way, it will help you to understand your product with ease and what changes need to be done can be identified.

Sometimes at the time of designing a website or an app, designers put in dummy content, but at the same time, the app or website is live. In that case, this leaves a bad impression on users. If your platform is live then always try to publish real content as it helps in building trust with users and delivers ease. There are different golden rules of UI/UX design, hence it is necessary to follow all of those to make a lasting impression on your brand.

Similarities & differences between UI/UX

There are many steps that you need to keep in mind (all of theose are mentioned above) when you are beginning with UI/UX designing.

But in addition to this, I would like you to you about the similarities and dissimilarities with UI/UX.

There are many such similarities and differences that can be found when it comes to UI/UX services. However, when you are looking to give your work a great start then hire freelance ui/ux designer.

It is mainly because only an expert can easily deliver an advantage and here I can work by accomplishing all of the requirements.

Similarities Between UI/UX Difference Between UI/UX
Holds definite design that can easily fit to any product or services
UX deals with user-experience and UI is what designers see while using a product.
The primary focus that comes along with the user-interface.
UX mainly deals with the purpose and functionality of the product. Whereas UI is concerned with the quality of the interaction
Deliver an excellent customer support
UI has an artistic component and UX has more social components. This is where UI makes more advancements.
Begins with research and this is common in both UI/UX.
UX focus on project management and UI has more of technical component


Your website/app will represent your business. It is mainly because when users will reach your services or product it means they are reaching you. Hence be it your website or app it should be user-friendly and should have an appealing user interface.

Hence if you are in a need of best freelance mobile app developer then you need expert like me. I can easily deliver the finest result when it comes to UI/UX services as i hold expertise.

As there are different rules with which UI/UX comes. But if you do not know what all those steps or rules are then I as a freelance ui/ux designer I have stated all of them. By considering them it becomes quite easier for anyone to develop a great product and hence in this way businesses can reach on top.

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